
Haniska - Moldava nad Bodvou

Haniska - Moldava nad Bodvou
2021 - In progress
Line electrification Haniska – Velka Ida – Moldava nad Bodvou town

The subject of the construction is complex reconstruction of two lines: line Haniska pri Kosiciach – Moldava nad Bodvou in the length of 20,610 km and line railway station Moldava nad Bodvou – Terminal of integrated transport Moldava nad Bodvou town in the length of 0,900 km. The project consists of new railway track sub- and superstructure construction, new electrical track line, complete renewal of signaling and interlocking, platforms reconstruction and other construction modifications.

As a part of the project, company KUMAT installs for company Siemens Mobility the electronic interlockings in railway stations Moldava, Velka Ida, Cecejovce and passing bay Chym. At the same time KUMAT performs modifications at track interlockings in the sections Haniska – Velka Ida, Velka Ida – Chym, Cecejovce – Moldava, Moldava – Drienovec and installs twelve (12) level crossings. Integral parts of the project are relocations of optical cables, local and long-distance cables, and relocations of cables that are not part of railway infrastructure.



Billing address
KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Blagoevova 14
Bratislava 851 04
Headquarters Bratislava
Mail contact

KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Odborárska 5
Bratislava 831 02
Branch Košice
KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Paulínyho 4
Košice 040 11
+421 905 256 328
Company ID: 31334831
TAX ID: 2020351278
VAT ID: SK2020351278