
Považská Bystrica railway station

Považská Bystrica railway station
For the company SIEMENS, we carry out work related to the construction of a new interlocking system SIMIS W in Považská Bystrica railway station.

As part of the renewal of the Bratislava - Žilina railway corridor for a line speed of 160 km / h, specifically the Púchov - Žilina section, we have been carrying out work related to the construction of a new SIMIS W interlocking system at ŽST Považská Bystrica since 2017 for SIEMENS. The scope of work was the provision of construction procedures, the relocation of local, long-distance and optical cables, the implementation of block system in the Plevník - Drieňové turnout and the already mentioned implementation of interlocking system SIMIS W at Považská Bystrica railway station.

2021 - In progress



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KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Blagoevova 14
Bratislava 851 04
Headquarters Bratislava
Mail contact

KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Odborárska 5
Bratislava 831 02
Branch Košice
KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Paulínyho 4
Košice 040 11
+421 905 256 328
Company ID: 31334831
TAX ID: 2020351278
VAT ID: SK2020351278