
Devinska Nova Ves – state border SR/CR

Devinska Nova Ves – state border SR/CR
2021 - In progress
Modernization of railway line Devinska Nova Ves – state border SR/CR

The construction site consists of 2 sections, 7 integral construction parts, 487 construction objects and 137 operating sets. Realization includes construction and technological modifications of 31.096 km of railway lines, together with complex reconstructions of railway stations Zohor, Malacky and halts Devinske Jazero, Plavecky Stvrtok and Brodske. Through modernization, the maximum speed of railtrack will by increased up to 200 km/h. The safety improvement of the track will be achieved by elimination of railtrack crossing the other transport communications as the elevated crossings will be constructed. As a result, the noise will be reduced, the stations and platforms will be barrier-free.

As a part of the project, KUMAT installs electronic interlockings in railway stations Zohor, Malacky, and in passing bays Maly Haj and Zahorie for company Siemens Mobility. At the same time KUMAT performs modifications at track interlockings in the sections Devinska Nova Ves - Maly Haj, Maly Haj - Zohor, Zohor - Zahorie and Zahorie - Malacky. Integral parts of the project are relocations of optical cables, local and long-distance cables, and relocations of cables that do not belong to railway infrastructure managed by the state railway company ZSR.



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KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Blagoevova 14
Bratislava 851 04
Headquarters Bratislava
Mail contact

KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Odborárska 5
Bratislava 831 02
Branch Košice
KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Paulínyho 4
Košice 040 11
+421 905 256 328
Company ID: 31334831
TAX ID: 2020351278
VAT ID: SK2020351278