
Sala railway station

Sala railway station
2021 - 2023
Sala railway station – Relocation of traffic office to the operation building

The goal of the construction was relocation of technology equipment from the traffic office to the operation building. The movement required construction modifications in the operation building, including complex reconstruction of premises for control desk of relay interlocking, creation of utility area for the traffic control employees, together with new air conditioning, as well as the working area for signaling and interlocking operation employees. Further the construction works included new room for technology of signaling and interlocking technology and its operation staff.



Billing address
KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Blagoevova 14
Bratislava 851 04
Headquarters Bratislava
Mail contact

KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Odborárska 5
Bratislava 831 02
Branch Košice
KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Paulínyho 4
Košice 040 11
+421 905 256 328
Company ID: 31334831
TAX ID: 2020351278
VAT ID: SK2020351278