
Cement plant Danucem, Rohoznik

Cement plant Danucem, Rohoznik
2019 - 2024
Outsourcing of operation and maintenance of industrial siding at cement producer Danucem (member of CRH group) - Interlocking

The project consists of complete refurbishment of interlocking, maintenance and fixing of railway track superstructure, as well as operation of the siding itself. In actual operation, loading and unloading at the siding, receiving and forwarding of wagons at Rohoznik station, wagons manipulation at the siding, as well as legislative duties related to siding operation are performed for the client. Due to investment cost optimization, the project of interlocking refurbishment was divided into 5 stages during 2019-2024. During this period the installations of new electronic interlocking, outside cabling, point machines, axle counters as well as light signals have been realized. Complex refurbishment will be finalized and commissioned at the end of year 2024.

2021 - In progress



Billing address
KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Blagoevova 14
Bratislava 851 04
Headquarters Bratislava
Mail contact

KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Odborárska 5
Bratislava 831 02
Branch Košice
KUMAT spol. s r.o.
Paulínyho 4
Košice 040 11
+421 905 256 328
Company ID: 31334831
TAX ID: 2020351278
VAT ID: SK2020351278